Now You Can Have a Toned Figure without Hours of Cardio or Giving Up Pizza And Wine.

AND you don’t even need to leave the house. Learn how 1,189 people have lost an average of 13 pounds of body fat in just 6 weeks using these unique and groundbreaking methods.

Is your overeating out of your control?

1,189 Transformations And Going Strong – Average of 13lbs Lost

I want to take a minute to tell you about a friend of mine.

This friend was seriously struggling with dropping body fat and toning up. She’d tried everything –

Diets, shakes, juice pills, going ‘keto’, even starving herself and doing 2 hours of cardio everyday.

And despite all her hard work, her efforts, and the amount of reading she’d done on the subject, she just could not see results.

She was at her wits end.

Tired, exhausted, angry and feeling like losing weight and building sky-high body confidence just wasn’t for her.

I’m sure you know the feeling.

You try the latest shake diet, you cut curbs and say to yoursef ‘right.. from Monday, no more wine and chocolate’ and get nowhere.




How does everyone else seem to make this so easy?

You’re desperate for a flat stomach and a toned figure rid of those damned bingo wings, walking around head high with a renewed confidecne, yet whatever you try just doesn’t work.

But listen up, because I’m here to tell you something very important:

It’s not your fault.


See, the fitness industry is lying to you, and telling you things that not only fail to get you results, but could actually be harming your progress;

– Hours of cardio

– Not doing weights to avoid getting ‘bulky’

– Crash dieting

– Doing 100’s of crunches

– Only eating porridge and salads

So if all these ‘traditional methods’ don’t work, then what DOES?

 You’re in luck.

By stumbling across this page, and reading the secrets I’m about to reveal, you’re about to put yourself at a huge advantage, and learn the system that’s taken me years of research and tens of thousands of pounds to develop.


Your Body Fitness Waterlooville

The 4F Method Fat Loss Program


With The 4F Method Fat Loss Program, in just 6 weeks you can –

– Wave goodbye to hiding behind baggy, dark clothing

– Stop shying away from social events to avoid being the “fat one in the group”

– Build sky-high body confidence

– Finally fit back into that dress you love

– Feel confident in sleeveless tops once again

– Jump at the chance of capturing priceless family memories instead of hiding from the camera

– Feel secure in the knowledge you’re setting a great example for the kids



I guess you’re wondering what makes me qualified to talk about helping ladies lose weight and build confidence.

Well, the first thing you should know about me is that I am NOT an ‘Instagram Model’ or fitness ‘Guru’.

For starters, I don’t actually ENJOY working out (there, I said it), and I’m certainly not a professional chef by any stretch of the imagination.

But here’s what I AM –

I am a guy who’s spent 8 years now in the fitness industry and it’s fair to say in that time I’ve learnt a whole load, but made plenty of mistakes along the way. But i’ve learnt from every single one.

This has allowed me to witness on the front line what works, what doesn’t, and how I can provide the best fat loss program money can buy.

8 years of spending 50 hours a week, working with ladies who just want to feel a bit more confident in themselves without having to kill themsleves in the gym everyday, or starve themselves on soup and horrible shakes.

At first I took the same old approach of prescribing a low-carb diet and hours of ‘fat burning’ cardio

But I just couldn’t understand why the transformations weren’t rolling in and, worst of all, no one was actually enjoying the process.

Reluctant to stick to the diet, dreading workouts, and complaining of tiredness and hunger all day long.

Something had to change.

That’s when I discovered just how tasty and quick weight loss cooking could be, AND how to blast fat in workouts that were done in 45 minutes that people ACTUALLY enjoyed.

Here’s why –

I developed The 4F Method;

It’s the only program out there that tackles more than just workouts and a diet, allowing you to choose what you eat, meaning you lose weight without sacrifising your favourtie foods and alcohol (the key secret is our Flexi-Nutrition app!). 

You see, there’s literally nothing out there that offers a 4-pillared aproach to fat loss AND takes a lifelong aproach whilst handing YOU the control as an individual.

It’s been years and thousands of pounds in the making, but I’ve finally found the winning formula that I can be proud of that; that yields real results.

I know what you’re thinking –


This is just another sleazy scam that promises so much, and delivers nothing.


Maybe Joe is out to trick and con me out of my money.


I completely understand. It’s only natural to be skeptical when every shady ‘Fitness Pro’ is out to make a quick buck.


And I know you’ve probably tried so many things before. But to ease your mind, here’s how people just like you have fared with The 4F Method Fat Loss Program.

Imagine what it feels like….

Body Confidence

– Wave goodbye to hiding behind baggy, dark clothing

Social Confidence

– Stop shying away from social events to avoid being the “fat one in the group”

A new, lean figure

– Build sky-high body confidence

Dig out those old clothes you've always loved

– Finally fit back into that dress you love

– Feel confident in sleeveless tops once again

Role model

– Feel secure in the knowledge you’re setting a great example for the kids

Lifetime memories

– Jump at the chance of capturing priceless family memories instead of hiding from the camera

I’ve been working with Joe for over a year now and within that time I’ve grown in confidence hugely, both in myself and in the gym when I am alone. I’ve also toned and built muscle, increased my plyometric capability and my all round CV fitness. All of this combined has made me a more competitive netballer. I have improved my lifestyle by following a very well prepared nutrition plan which has seen me lose inches in my problem areas that the gym exercises didn’t touch whilst giving me more control over my food and the freedom to enjoy what I’m eating. Regular check ups to stay motivated and accountable have been invaluable to me.

– Rachel Teal, 30, Waterlooville

It Started as me wanting to include boxing as part of my workout for 30mins in the week every two weeks, now 2yrs later I train 3hrs a week with Joe. The first thing that has kept me working with Joe is his clear passion to help you achieve your fitness goals. He is willing to adapt to your requirements, makes available resources you need to meet your fitness and wellness needs as well as making it all fun in the process. He has helped me build my confidence in going to the gym on my own, allowing me to use what we go through and incorporate it to my workouts. I see results with Joe because I am willing to do the work he sets, follow the nutrition plans and im accountable to him. At this point he is my therapist hahha ?

– Sharon Alfred, 26, Waterlooville

After training with Joe for 6/7 months I feel like it helped me overcome a plateau that I had hit in my training and feel much more motivated to get at it and keep going aswell as keeping track of what I’m eating and taking measurements to see real results that are sustainable in the long run. I have gone from feeling bored of my workouts, low on confidence and demotivated to more excited to be in the gym and enjoying my training. My knowledge of training has broadened and my sessions with Joe are always fun and energetic and he constantly pushes you to your full potential.

– Jazz Stone, 20, Waterlooville


Unlimited PT Sessions

Take part in as many virtual PT sessions as you like across the 6 weeks

Flexi-Nutrition App

Here’s where the magic happens! Our meal planning app with 0ver 8,000 recipes that allows you to torch body fat without sacrifising your favourite foods whilst feeling fuller than ever.

Community Support

Access to our like-minded and supportive community inside our #BodyMission Facebook group. It’s also where you’ll be held accountable every single day to helo you achieve your goals.

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But wait – there’s more.

I’m not JUST offering the 6 week, online 4F Method Fat Loss Program by taking action and investing now, you also get access to all this:

5 of our recipe books filled with delicious and easy-to-prepare recipe ideas – £110

A FREE 20 minute ‘Groundbreaking Goal Setting’ call with myself – £49

Lifetime access to our Flexi-Nutrition App at the end of the 6 weeks – £149

Forever access to our supportive and like-minded community Facebook Group that I’ve proudly and carefully built – PRICELESS

Total value = £308

6 Week 4F Fat Loss Program

What’s Included:

Unlimited PT Sessions

Flexi-Nutrition Fat Loss App

Access To Our Incredible Community

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I forgot to say – this offer won’t last long.

 There are only 10 spots available at this price.

If you want to take advantage NOW, you need to act.

Can you really afford to miss out on sky-high body confidence and a toned figure with an offer like this?

You’ve got two options –

 Option 1 is to close this page, go back to doing what you’ve tried before, feel frustrated as HELL that you didn’t grab this offer when it was available first time, then be back here in 2 to 3 months time.

 Option 2 is the smart move.

 You decide that enough is enough and that you finally want a guaranteed way to reach sky-high body confidence and a toned figure in the fastest and most effective way possible, and so invest in your health, happiness and security.

That choice is yours.

As a final reminder, here’s what you get with the 6 week 4F Method Fat Loss Program

–      24 bespoke workouts than can be done ANY TIME, ANYWHERE so you blitz body fat on YOUR schedule in under 60 minutes every time

–      Over 8,000 delicious and easy-to-make recipes so you drop pounds (FAST) while still enjoying your favorite foods. Nothing is off the table here.

–      Weekly check-ins to ensure you’re on track, showing you how to properly track progress every time

–      Discover how to finally quit emotional eating and binge eating.

–      Why you need to ignore your doctor when it comes to sugar.

Get all this AND MORE for a RIDICULOUS PRICE in just 1 click:

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Still on the fence?

How about this.

The 4F Method Fat Loss Program has a 100% money-back guarantee. 

In the incredibly unlikely situation that you’re not completely happy, I’ll refund every penny you pay.

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Q) How long does the program last and when does it start?

A) 6 weeks, and we start from the first Monday after you’ve signed up with a couple of tasks to complete in the days beforehand.

Q) How is the program delivered?

A) It’s all delivered through our custom mobile app, 100% online meaning you can complete all the workouts in the comfort of your own home without any equipment needed. We have a live workout timetable where you can log onto Zoom to join in on our virtual PT sessions. 

Q) What if I'm not fit enough?

A) A common concern, but don’t worry; all th workouts are adaptable for all fitness levels and gives you the ability to track your fitness as you go so you can gradually increase your workload as you go. We literally have people of all fitness join in and alternatives are always given if you’re injured of need to start somewhere that’s a bit more gentle!

Q) I have previous injuries, can I still take part?

A) Yes, again all workouts have options to work around injuries and the first thing you’ll complete after signing up is complete a health questionnaire so we get a full picture of where you’re currently at and even adjust further if needed.

Q) Is there any 1:1 support?

A) Other than the Groundbreakiung Goal Setting call and your call at the end of. the6 weeks, there isn’t 1:1 support in the sense of coaching sessions hence the crazy low price tag. You are, however, kept accountable every single day and there is scope to adjust the program to you as an individual. The group environment means you’re part of our awesome community where we can support and encourage each other.

Q) What if I start and have to stop, or don't want to start right away but equally don't want to miss out?

A) Whilst I would ALWAYS recommend diving straight in, there’s no expiry date on the program once purchased. 

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One final thing. Let me ask you this:

How would it feel to look in the mirror and finally not hate what you see?

And how would it feel to do that in just 6 weeks and without grinding through endless hours of boring cardio whilst living off salads and shakes.

Like the sound of that?

Then you know what to do.

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