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5 Fitness Myths That Need To Die… Now!

5 Fitness Myths That Need To Die… Now!

5 Fitness Myths That Need To Die… Now! Like a bad smell, some fitness myths just seem to hang around…. Interesting fact about me; in the gym I used to work out of, I developed a ‘gassy’ nickname – ‘silent but deadly’, like a bad fart apparently. I...
10 Ways To NOT Train Your Core

10 Ways To NOT Train Your Core

10 Ways To NOT Train Your Core Toned abs are often seen as the symbol of a fit body and healthy lifestyle. Great abs can help boost your confidence and there are plenty of people that show them off, proud of the results they’ve achieved and eager to let others know...
5 Mistakes That Are Killing Your Weight Loss

5 Mistakes That Are Killing Your Weight Loss

5 Mistakes That Are Killing Your Weight Loss And How To Fix Them Right Now It’s amazing to me how many women are making crippling mistakes every day that stops them from losing weight and building a toned body. They’re doing lots of cardio, eating nothing but salads...
5 Important Reasons You Are Not Losing Weight

5 Important Reasons You Are Not Losing Weight

And how to quickly correct them from today. We’ve all tried to lose weight at some point in our lives, but everyone sees varying degrees of success and we can be left feeling demotivated when our weeks of hard work don’t pay off. When we’re young it’s easier to make...